Offline Admission

Offline Admission System is a web portal of admission for computerization of all pre and post admission activities of an Institution. The portal supports various modern technologies such as – Online Payment Gateway, auto SMS, and auto Email for student admission application and confirmation of admission.

Guidelines for filling up offline form:

Fill in application form legibly after carefully reading the prospectus.

  • The application shall be submitted to our study center where they intend to study also direct application form will be accepted by us in the form of registration post.
  • Candidate should submit four copies of passport size photographs of which one must be affixed to the application form and to the identity card at the space provided. The other two be put in the separate cover and enclosed with the application form. On the back of each of these photographs the candidate must mention his/her name, class and serial number of the admission application form.
  • Before submitting the prescribed fees please make sure that you fulfill all the eligibility condition for admission to the program applied for. The fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • The students shall not allow attending the class without identity card or fee paid receipt.

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