Subject Details

Certificate in Nanny Care

SN Subject Year Max Marks Min Marks Eligibility Duration
1 Early Childhood Education Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months
2 Nanny Basic Skills Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months
3 Principal of Child Growth & Development Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months
4 Basic Nutrition needs of Children Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months
5 CPR and First Aid Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months
6 Hygienic Food & Feeding Practices Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months
7 Importance of Pronunciation Early Childhood Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months
8 Communication Skills Month-VI 100 33 10th 6 Months