Subject Details

Diploma in Carpenter

SN Subject Year Max Marks Min Marks Eligibility Duration
1 Common Safety Precautions Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year
2 Different Types of Plane Special Planes Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year
3 Preservation of TImer Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year
4 Plywood & Product of Plywood Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year
5 French Polish - Estimation of Timber Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year
6 Sand Paper Staining Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year
7 Sheet Metal Work Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year
8 Carpentry Building Work Year-1 100 33 12th 1 Year